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ReasonML libraries


  • ReWeb - Experimental web framework for OCaml focusing on developer ergonomics.
  • Morph - Webframework for Reason and OCaml.
  • Naboris - Simple, fast, minimalist web framework for OCaml/ReasonML.
  • Reprocessing - ReasonML graphics library inspired by Processing.
  • Sihl - Web framework for Reason.
  • Tenzir UI Component Library - ReasonML-first UI Component Library.
  • reason-urql - Reason bindings for Formidable's Universal React Query Library, urql.
  • rescript-query - ReScript bindings for React Query.
  • rescript-chakra - ReScript bindings for Chakra-UI.
  • Routes - Typed bidirectional router for OCaml/ReasonML web applications.
  • ReForm - Reasonably making forms sound good.



  • bs-decode - Type-safe JSON decoding for ReasonML and OCaml.
  • tablecloth - Ergonomic, cross-platform, standard library for ReasonML and OCaml. (Lobsters)
  • Wonka - Fast push & pull stream library for Reason, loosely following the callbag spec.
  • Restorative - Simple ReasonML state management.
  • revery-quick-start - Quick Start / Sample Revery Application.
  • styled-ppx - CSS-in-Reason and OCaml.
  • reason-recoil - Zero-cost bindings to Facebook's Recoil library.
  • re-classnames - Reimplementation of classnames in ReasonML.
  • Fetch - Fetch libraries and interface for ReasonML/OCaml.
  • Relude - FP-inspired prelude/standard library for ReasonML projects.
  • rescript-webapi - ReScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs.
  • rescript-libs - Collections and Essential set of Library, Utility, & Tools for ReScript Lang especially in Web.
  • Jzon - ReScript library to encode and decode JSON data with type safety.
  • re-fp - Functional programming library for ReScript.
  • ReSchema - Schema validation made easy for ReScript.
  • ReScript Collections - Fast and efficient, persistent immutable collection for JS written in 100% ReScript.
  • Future - Cancellable futures for ReScript.