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Links Assembly Language for Beginners Programmed Introduction to MIPS Assembly Language MIPS Assembly Programming Assembly Language Programming: Still Relevant Today (2015) (HN )Davis - x86 assembly debugger. (Code )Ask HN: What's the best resource for learning modern x64 assembly? (2020) ARM GCC Inline Assembler Cookbook Getting started with bare-metal assembly (2020) (HN )Compiling to Assembly from Scratch (2020) (Code ) (In Haskell ) (Haskell Code )Interactive shell of assembly language(X86/X64) based on unicorn and keystone Let's Learn x86-64 Assembly! (2020) (HN )int 80h - Learn Assembly using OpenBSD as base OS.Assembly’s Perspective (2020) ASM Swift - Playground for learning Assembly language through Swift.Little Computer 3 - Learn how to program in assembly on the web. (Code )How x86_64 addresses memory (2020) Hello "Hello world!" (2020) (Lobsters )Art of Assembly Language 8086 microcode disassembled (2020) (HN )Learn Assembly by Writing Entirely Too Many Brainfuck Compilers in Rust (2020) Wrote some ARM (2019) Assembly Tutorials - Learn Z80 Assembly Programming.ARM and Thumb-2 Instruction Set Quick Reference Advanced 6502 Assembly Programming for the Apple II (2020) (Web )ARM Cortex-M33 Instruction Tracing Without a Debugger (2020) Apple M1 Assembly Language Hello World (2021) (HN )AMIE - Minimalist Instruction Extender for the ARM architecture and IDA Pro.PLASMA - Medium level programming language targeting the 8-bit 6502 processor.Babbage was a true genius (2006) (HN )Why no one should use the AT&T syntax ever, for any reason, under any circumstances (2021) (Lobsters )Learning to Read x86 Assembly Language (2016) Wiz - High-level assembly language for writing homebrew software for retro console platforms.How do computers work? (2021) How to Read Assembly Language (2021) (HN )Top 10 Craziest Assembly Language Instructions (2021) A fundamental introduction to x86 assembly programming How to Read ARM64 Assembly Language (2021) Easy 6502 - One-stop accessible tutorial on 6502 assembly language programming. (Code )swiftdasm - arm64 disassembler written in Swift.Haruspex - Exploration of x86-64 ISA using speculative execution.Avoiding instruction cache misses (2019) Assembly vs. intrinsics (2014) (HN )How many x86 instructions are there? (2016) (HN )X86 Opcode and Instruction Reference (Code )Branch predictor: How many "if"s are too many? Including x86 and M1 benchmarks! (2021) (Tweet )Don't Use Inline Assembly Commodore’s Assemblers: Part 1: MOS Cross-Assembler Code in ARM Assembly: Registers explained (2021) (HN )Code in ARM Assembly: Working with pointers (2021) Writing ARM64 Code for Apple Platforms (HN )Code in ARM Assembly: Conditional Loops (2021) Programming with 64-Bit ARM Assembly Language (2020) (Code )Down to the silicon: how the Z80's registers are implemented (2014) Assembly Language and Computer Architecture (2018) Reversing for dummies - x86 assembly and C code (2021) Uxn - 8-bit virtual computer inspired by forth-machines, capable of running simple tools and games programmable in its own unique assembly language. (Tutorial ) (Tweet ) (Awesome ) (Tweet ) (Web ) (Learn Uxn )Three fundamental flaws of SIMD (2021) iced - Blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler, decoder, encoder for .NET, Rust, Python, JavaScript.All about Global Offset Table (2021) Generating a QR code with only ARM Assembly (HN )Arm AArch64 Adds Memcpy() Instructions (2021) (HN )Sail - Language for describing the instruction-set architecture (ISA) semantics of processors. (Code )Art of Assembly Language Programming and HLA by Randall Hyde Zen of Assembly Language (1990) x86 assembly doesn’t have to be scary (2018) (HN )Minias - Mini x86-64 assembler for fun and learning. (HN )Binja Arm64 Disassembler Rappel - Linux-based assembly REPL for x86, amd64, armv7, and armv8.opv86 - Opcode / Instruction finder for x86_64. (Code )Comparing SIMD on x86-64 and arm64 (2021) Cheat sheet for x86-64 Unix systems programming Famicom Party: Making NES Games in Assembly (HN )ELF Science Part 1 (2021) BLASFEO - Basic linear algebra subroutines for embedded optimization.NASM - Cross-platform x86 assembler with an Intel-like syntax. (Web )ASMREPL - REPL for x86 assembly language. (HN )The Fastest FizzBuzz Implementation (2021) (HN ) (Tweet )High throughput Fizz Buzz (Tweet )Fast CSV Processing with SIMD (2021) (HN )Program analysis for machine code asmase - REPL for assembly language using an LLVM backend.Writing a self-modifying x86 factorial program (2021) (HN )NASM Assembly Language Tutorials (HN )Jumping into the middle of an instruction is not as strange as it sounds (2022) strop Stochastically generates assembly language programs that compute a given function.x86-64 - Runtime code generation for x86 64 bit machine code.The Art of Assembly Language Programming (1996) (HN )pclmulqdq Tricks (2020) Guide to CPUs and assembly Assembly instructions distribution (2022) (Lobsters )elf.js - Project to learn ELF format.The curious tale of a fake Carrier.app (2022) Some Assembly Required - Approachable introduction to assembly Creating a language using only assembly language (Lobsters )Intel Microcode Decryptor (HN ) (Code ) (HN )Understanding the X64 Code Models (2012) Stack frame layout on x86-64 (2022)