- Please give me one good reason why you prefer MobX? I've been using it for my last project and I hate it - too much magic behind the scenes; numerous edge cases where it is not clear how it would work; really invites developers to write spaghetti code; transforms react components into these observers that no longer work as standard components so observables should mostly be used instead of local state, components are rerendered only if an observable used in the render method is changed, some lifecycle hooks are messed up
- Joy of coding in a well done Mobx app is great and the boilerplate is minimal
- mobx-react-lite - Lightweight React bindings for MobX based on React 16.8 and Hooks.
- MobX The Journey — Michel Weststrate (2019)
- mobx-state-tree - Opinionated, transactional, MobX powered state container combining the best features of the immutable and mutable world for an optimal DX.
- mst-gql - Bindings for mobx-state-tree and GraphQL.
- Awesome MobX
- Why MobX
- mobx-keystone - MobX powered state management solution based on data trees with first class support for Typescript, support for snapshots, patches and much more.
- Max Gallo - Reinventing MobX (2019)
- MobX crash course
- How to Persist Your MobX State (2020)
- Learning MobX (Side-Effects)
- Michel Weststrate — MobX and the unique symbiosis of predictability and speed (2019)
- Is mobx magic? (2020)
- mst-gql - Bindings for mobx-state-tree and GraphQL.
- Introduction to MobX & React in 2020
- MobX & RecoilJS differences (2020)
- Why Infinite Red uses MobX-State-Tree instead of Redux (2020)
- MobX JSX - Raw MobX performance without being restrained by a Virtual DOM.
- MobX 6 (2020) (HN)
- Mobx Devtools
- mobx-form-validation-kit - Utilities form controls on base mobx for validation.
- Normi - Zero-config normalized cache for MobX.
- Next.js, NestJS, MobX and how I structured my open-source project (2021)
- lit-mobx - Mixin and base class for using mobx with lit-element.
- MobX Easy Form - Simple and performant form library built with MobX.
- mobx-vue-lite - Lightweight Vue 3 bindings for MobX based on Composition API.
- mobx-async-toolkit - Toolkit for handling async operations in MobX stores.
- Understanding MobX - Minimalist implementation of MobX to better understand its inner workings.
- Intro to MobX-State-Tree and MobX-React (2022)
- Mobx Persist Store - Persist and rehydrate observable properties in mobx store.
- mst-effect - Designed to be used with MobX-State-Tree to create asynchronous actions using RxJS.