goldmark is a nice markdown parser in Go.
- You can use relative paths in markdown links.
- Don't add extra space after heading as it is unnecessary.
- In referencing titles to jump to in readme, lowercase them. i.e.
. Lose the punctuation in the end in the link. - Can use
to make readmes more readable & hiding info behind a clickable dropdown. (Example) (Example 2)
- micromark - New, tiny, and fast, markdown parser written in TypeScript.
- Mindforger - Thinking notebook and Markdown IDE.
- markdown-wasm - Markdown parser and HTML generator implemented in WebAssembly.
- TakeNote - Web-based note-taking app with GitHub sync and Markdown support.
- mdtoc - Markdown table-of-contents generator.
- HTMDX - Lightweight runtime for mdx-like markdown.
- textlint - Pluggable natural language linter for text and markdown. (Web)
- markdown-print-tools - Tools to nicely print markdown document (vscode extension, markdown it extension, pdf generation).
- markdown-table - Markdown tables, with alignment.
- gdocs2md - Simple Google Apps script to convert a properly formatted Google Drive Document to markdown.
- MarkdownAttributedString - Adding Markdown support to NSAttributedString.
- From Markdown to Video (HN)
- 6 Things Markdown Got Wrong (2020) (HN)
- markmap-lib - Convert Markdown to a Mind Map. (HN) (Code)
- h2m - Tool for converting HTML to Markdown, like html2markdown. (Code)
- html-to-markdown - Convert HTML to Markdown. Even works with whole websites.
- Typesetting Markdown (2020)
- Marked - Markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
- react-remark - React component and hook to use remark to render markdown.
- note-link-janitor - Maintains backlink structure among interlinked Markdown notes.
- Markdown Magic - Automatically format markdown files, sync external docs/src code & make better docs.
- Markdown Links - Command that displays a graph of local links between markdown files.
- Customizing pandoc to generate beautiful pdf and epub from markdown (2019)
- Customizing pandoc to generate pdf and epub from GitHub style markdown (2020) (Lobsters)
- Python Markdown Generator - Python library for generating HTML sanitised Markdown documents.
- Glow - Markdown reader for the terminal with a TUI and encrypted cloud stash. (HN)
- ByteMD - Hackable Markdown editor component built with Svelte. (Web)
- koino - CommonMark + GFM compatible Markdown parser and renderer.
- The Story Behind Markdown (2020) - How plain text got formatting, styled like classic emails. (HN)
- markdown-it - Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.
- lezer-markdown - Incremental Markdown (CommonMark, in fact) parser that integrates well with the Lezer parser system.
- Madoko - Fast Scholarly Markdown Processor.
- Paste Markdown objects - Paste spreadsheet cells as a Markdown table.
- bibtex-markdown - Hack to integrate BibTeX into markdown in a way that is independent of the markdown parser.
- github-markdown-toc - Easy TOC creation for GitHub
- godown - Convert HTML into Markdown.
- marks - Simple and fast search-engine like tool for org/markdown files.
- kramdown - Fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions.
- Openleaf - Markdown editor for generating PDF.
- cmark - CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C.
- CommonMark - Strongly defined, highly compatible specification of Markdown.
- lmt - Literate markdown tangle.
- Markdown to Google Doc - Converts a markdown file to .docx and then imports it to Google Drive.
- remark-vdom - Plugin to compile Markdown to Virtual DOM.
- Remark - Markdown processor powered by plugins. (GitHub) (Code)
- Awesome Remark
- markdownlint - Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
- CommonMark - CommonMark-compliant parser for Julia.
- Blackfriday - Markdown processor implemented in Go.
- StrictMark: Markdown Refactored
- MD4C - C Markdown parser. Fast. SAX-like interface. Compliant to CommonMark specification.
- mdast - Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree format.
- remark-rehype - Plugin to transform from Markdown (remark) to HTML (rehype).
- MUME - Powerful markdown tool.
- Concordant Markdown Editor - CRDT based collaborative markdown editor. (Web)
- Yarner - Language-independent Literate Programming tool for Markdown. (Docs)
- prosemd - Experimental proofreading and linting language server for markdown files.
- Zeta Note - Markdown LSP server for easy note-taking with cross-references and diagnostics.
- Python-Markdown - Python implementation of markdown.
- Markdown Lint - Tool to check markdown files and flag style issues.
- StackEdit - In-browser Markdown editor. (Code)
- HackMD - Collaborative Markdown Knowledge Base.
- CodiMD - Real time collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.
- GitHub Action - Markdown link check
- How to build a Markdown editor using Electron, ReactJS, Vite, CodeMirror, and Remark (2021)
- Inkdrop - Note-taking App with Robust Markdown Editor.
- PDF to Markdown converter (Code)
- simple-markdown - JavaScript markdown parsing, made simple.
- Improving The Accessibility Of Your Markdown (2021)
- Markmap - JavaScript component that will visualize your markdown documents as mindmaps.
- Swift Markdown - Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents. (Tweet)
- SwiftMarkdownBuilder - resultBuilder support for swift-markdown.
- UXMD - Collaborative markdown for designing state flows.
- deno-gfm - Server-side GitHub Flavored Markdown rendering for Deno.
- md-toc - Generate a GitHub compatible table of contents from headings in a markdown file.
- markdown-link-check - Checks that all of the hyperlinks in a markdown text to determine if they are alive or dead.
- Markdown Transform - Library for Markdown Transformations and Markdown Templates.
- markdown-it-texmath - Support TeX math equations with your Markdown documents.
- Markdownosaur - Leverages Apple's Swift-based Markdown parser to output NSAttributedString.
- Mmark - Powerful markdown processor written in Go, geared towards writing IETF documents.
- RunMD - Executable markdown files.
- Prose - Turning your markdown into lovely HTML.
- markdown-clj - Markdown parser in Clojure. (Making markdown-clj babashka-compatible)
- MDBook Link-Check - Backend for mdbook which will check your links for you.
- MDBook EPUB Backend
- Noteworthy - Modern, Fast, and Version-Controlled Markdown Notes App.
- safe-marked - Markdown to HTML using marked and DOMPurify.
- markdown-function - Markdown builder functions.
- tree-sitter-markdown - Markdown parser for tree-sitter.
- Specify theme context for images in Markdown (2021)
- md-block - Custom element for rendering stylable (light DOM) Markdown. (Article)
- pidgy - Interactive computing in Markdown.
- mdsh - Markdown shell pre-processor.
- markdown-to-jsx - Most lightweight, customizable React markdown component.
- Learn about advanced markdown techniques
- mdast-util-from-markdown - mdast utility to parse markdown.
- Readwise Note Extractor - Extract highlights from a given (markdown) file and uploads them to Readwise.
- Microdown - Cleaned and simpler markdown but with more powerful features such as extensions.
- mdproof - Standalone markdown to PDF converter.
- hast-util-to-mdast - Utility to transform hast (HTML) to mdast (markdown).
- markdown-it-py - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed. Now in Python.
- mdv - Markdown (link/image) validator.
- Thoughts On Markdown (2022) (Tweet) (HN) (Lobsters) (Tweet)
- Marko - Markdown parser with high extensibility.
- SwiftCommonMark - Parse and create CommonMark documents in Swift.
- MkPosters - Make posters from Markdown files.
- - Publishes Markdown files instantly without any setup. (Code)
- embedmd - Embed code into markdown and keep everything in sync.
- Awesome Lint - Linter for Awesome lists.
- docsQL - Getting an overview over your Markdown file in your Jamstack site.
- tree-sitter-markdown - Markdown grammar for tree-sitter.
- Clarktown - Zero-dependency, pure-Clojure Markdown parser.
- Swift MarkdownKit - Framework for parsing and transforming text in Markdown format written in Swift 5 for macOS, iOS, and Linux.
- Graph Docs CLI - Revolutionize your docs using knowledge graphs built from Markdown.
- CommonMark.js - CommonMark parser and renderer in JavaScript.
- book-summary - Automatically creates a file for your book (mdbook/gitbook).
- md - Stream-aware markdown parser with custom syntax setting.
- github-md - Markdown parser API for GitHub. SWR for 2 days with revalidation every 5 minutes. (Code)
- - Write Markdown. Together. (Code)
- Free Markdown to HTML Converter
- Markdown-Tag - Add Markdown to any HTML using a \<md> tag.
- discord-markdown - Markdown parser for Discord messages.
- present - Put some shell in your markdown.
- femark - Markdown to HTML compiler and Syntax Highlighter, built using Rust's pulldown-cmark and tree-sitter-highlight crates. (Article)
- zero-md - Ridiculously simple zero-config markdown displayer.
- remark-language-server - Language server to lint and format markdown files with remark.
- Redcarpet - Ruby library for Markdown processing.
- Rust Markdown Parsing Benchmarks - Comparing parser APIs.
- goldmark-mermaid - Extension for the goldmark Markdown parser that adds support for Mermaid diagrams.
- cbfmt - Tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents.
- CommonMark - CommonMark spec, with reference implementations in C and JavaScript.
- Djot - Light markup syntax. It derives most of its features from commonmark, but it fixes a few things. (Code)
- VS Code Markdown Language Service
- mdast-util-to-markdown - mdast utility that turns a syntax tree into markdown.
- Introducing the Markdown Language Server (Lobsters)