Short History of Nearly Everything Book is great.
- Cosmological red-shift (caused by the expansion of the universe) does not conserve energy. Expanding universe is not time translation invariant, so energy is not strictly conserved.
- A human is 25 orders of magnitude smaller than the whole universe, but 35 orders of magnitude bigger than a Planck length. We're bigger than average.
- Universe & Neurons projections look very similar.
- In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
- The rate of universal expansion is accelerating to the point that light from other galaxies will someday never reach us. Is it possible that this has already happened to an extent? Are there things forever out of our view? Do we have any way of really knowing the size of the universe? (2018)
- Star Size Comparison (2019)
- ELI5: The universe is made up of atoms which are made out of subatomic particles which are in turn made up of quarks. Do we know if this daisy chain stops, or, like a true five-year old, will be always be asking “and then what?” (2019)
- TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (2019)
- How Our Universe Could Emerge as a Hologram (2019)
- How Galaxies Can Move Faster Than Light (2020)
- The Caterpillar Project - Understanding the building blocks of the Milky Way.
- Universe’s structure and history
- Timelapse of the Future: A Journey to the End of Time (2019)
- Can we extrapolate, what the universe beyond the observable universe looks like (will look like?) from its "fingerprint" in the cosmic background radiation?
- Probing cosmic isotropy with a new X-ray galaxy cluster sample through the LX–T scaling relation (2019)
- Beyond the Cosmic Horizon (2019)
- Event Horizons, Singularities and Other Exotic Spacetime Phenomena (2020) (HN)
- New Distance Measurements Bolster Challenge to Basic Model of Universe (2020)
- What Happens After the Universe Ends? (2020)
- Our deepest view of the X-ray sky (2020) (HN)
- How big is the universe? What happens at the “edge”? (2020)
- The Big and the Small (2020) (Universe in a Nutshell App) (HN)
- HN: An earlier universe can still be observed today, says Roger Penrose (2020)
- The Structure of the Universe (2020)
- Roger Penrose: Why did the Universe begin?
- The Birth of a Galaxy (2020)
- The Origin Of The Universe Just Got Way Weirder (2020)
- Ask HN: What evidence would convince you of intelligent extra-terrestrial life? (2020)
- The New History of the Milky Way (2020)
- Universes Might Bubble Up and Collide (2021)
- What is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation? (2021)
- Logarithmic Maps of the Universe (2005) (HN)
- What Is the Geometry of the Universe? (2020)
- Is the Universe a Hologram? (2021)
- The Expansion of the Universe (2021) (HN)
- The Edges of Our Universe (2021) (HN)
- Does the Universe Have Higher Dimensions? (Video) (HN)
- Powers of Ten (1977) - Adventure in magnitudes.
- The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe by Steven Weinberg (1993)
- The Poincaré Conjecture. What is the shape of the universe? (2019) (Tweet)
- Is the universe really infinite? (2021)
- Cosmic inflation preceded the Big Bang (2021)
- The vastness of the Universe surpasses even the most "drawn" science fiction (2021) (Reddit)
- 94% of the universe’s galaxies are permanently beyond our reach (2021) (HN)
- Grand mosaic of the Milky Way is now larger than ever (2021) (HN)
- CosmoScout VR - Virtual universe which lets you explore, analyze and present huge planetary datasets and large simulation data in real-time.
- Cosmologists Close In on Logical Laws for the Big Bang (2021)
- The universe is expanding faster than it should be (2021) (HN)
- Observable universe on an increasingly compact scale
- Disambiguating the ‘Observable Universe’ (2022) (HN)
- How did early physicists know that the universe is expanding? (2022)
- What were some popular theories about the origin of the Universe before we accepted the Big Bang as the best one?
- Red Dwarfs Will Be Humanity’s Last Home Before the Universe Dies (2022) (HN)
- Where Do Space, Time and Gravity Come From? (2022) (HN)
- You Are Not Where You Think You Are (2022)
- Logarithmic Map of the Entire Observable Universe