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TypeScript libraries

I use ts-lib-starter template for my TS libraries which I then publish with kanpai. ncu is nice for updating packages. Rush stack + pnpm are amazing.

tsup is great too for bundling TS libs.


  • SchemaRT - Generate TypeScript runtime types from your database schema.
  • joist-ts - TypeScript ORM for Postgres.
  • atdatabases - TypeScript clients for databases that prevent SQL Injection. (Web)
  • Mammoth - Type-safe Postgres query builder for TypeScript.
  • Schemats - Postgres to TypeScript Interfaces and Enums. (HN)
  • sql-dsl - SQL DSL for your Node App.
  • IDB-Keyval - Super-simple-small promise-based keyval store implemented with IndexedDB.
  • squid - SQL tagged template strings and schema definitions for JavaScript & TypeScript.
  • KVS - Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.
  • Kysely - Type-safe typescript SQL query builder.
  • Keydb - Simple Key-value storage module with support for multiple database backends.
  • shapes/core - Type-safe DSLs and ORMs for TypeScript.
  • pg-magic - TypeScript type generator for PostgreSQL queries.
  • Potygen - Postgres SQL Parser and type generator.
  • sqltyper - TypeScript types for raw PostgreSQL queries.
  • Owl - High-performance, redis-backed job queueing library originally built for Quirrel.
  • Cuery - Composable SQL query builder using template literals.
  • pg-to-ts - Generate TypeScript interface definitions from your Postgres schema. (Example App)
  • gokv - Global Key-Value store for serverless at edge that is built on top of Cloudflare edge network. Druable, low-latency, and easy to use.
  • postgres-schema-ts - Convert Postgres schemas into TypeScript interfaces.
  • lru-ttl-cache - Super fast Optimized in memory LRU and TTL cache. Can store permanent entries too.
  • cachu - Simple, Minimalistic KV Cache.
  • IndexedDB KeyStore - In-browser key management with IndexedDB and the Web Crypto API.
  • Rapid-CG - Database access layer that relies on code generation to provide a strongly-typed database client.
  • TypeORM - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript. (TypeORM naming strategies) (TypeORM Tutorial)
  • Safe-TypeORM - TypeORM helper library enhancing safety in the compilation level.


  • tRPC - TypeScript toolkit for building end-to-end typesafe APIs. (Web) (Tutorial) (HN)
  • typed-rest-client - Lightweight REST and HTTP client optimized for use with TypeScript with generics and async await.
  • Ts.ED - Node.js and TypeScript Framework on top of Express/Koa.js.
  • Axios-Fetch - WebAPI Fetch implementation backed by an Axios client.
  • Voby - High-performance framework for writing web apps.
  • Candid - Unopinionated, frameworkless JavaScript library for building web applications.
  • Deepkit - High-Performance TypeScript Framework. (Web) (HN) (Deepkit OpenAPI)
  • Chemin - Type-safe pattern builder & route matching library written in TypeScript.
  • FRANXX - Vanilla JavaScript router that works everywhere.
  • Unrouted - Minimal, composable router built for speed, portability and DX.
  • mande - Simple, light and extensible wrapper around fetch with smart defaults.
  • swrr - Stale While Revalidated Resources — keeps data fast.
  • Presencejs - JavaScript library that allows you to build real-time web applications quickly, the server is built atop of YoMo.
  • micromorph - Very tiny library for diffing DOM nodes.
  • routing-controllers - Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
  • ts-elmish - Elmish architecture in Typescript.
  • blockdom - Fast virtual DOM library.
  • Zodios - TypeScript HTTP client with zod validation.
  • teeny-request - Like request, but tiny. Fetch under the hood.
  • mini-throttle - Small JavaScript throttle & debounce implementation.
  • Express Zod API - Typescript library to help you get an API server up and running with I/O schema validation and custom middlewares in minutes.
  • Spot - Concise, developer-friendly way to describe your API contract.
  • PostHTML Render - Render PostHTMLTree to HTML/XML.
  • Ionic - Enterprise App Development & Delivery Platform. (Code) (Twitter) (Tweet)
  • htstream - Streaming HTTP parser.
  • Frugal - Web framework with resource sparing in mind. (Web)
  • ApiDOM - Semantic parser for API specifications.
  • ChiselStrike - Modern backend development framework for JavaScript/TypeScript applications. (Web)
  • Boost.ts - DOM, events and animations library for modern browsers.
  • gaxios - HTTP request client that provides an axios like interface over top of node-fetch. Super lightweight. Supports proxies and all sorts of other stuff.
  • Exegesis OpenAPI Engine - Tools for implementing server-side OpenAPI 3.0.0.
  • aspida - TypeScript friendly HTTP client wrapper for the browser and node.js.
  • Purity - Declarative State & DOM Manager.
  • response-multipart - Standards-inspired multipart/* parsing. It's like response.text() but for multipart bodies.
  • uttp - Write your request handlers once, run anywhere.
  • ts-liveview - Build hybrid SSG and SSR real time SPA/MPA with Typescript.
  • Sunmao - Framework for Developing Low-code Tool.
  • waystone - MPAs that feels like SPAs.
  • Axentix - Framework mixing fully customizable components and utility-first classes, leaving the design choice to the developer. (Web)


  • GraphQL Query Builder - Simple helper function to generate GraphQL queries using plain JavaScript Objects (JSON).


  • TS auto mock - Typescript transformer to unlock automatic mock creation for interfaces and classes.
  • intermock - Mocking library to create mock objects and JSON for TypeScript interfaces via Faker.
  • Typical Data - Test data factory written in TypeScript.
  • Nano Spy - Tiny Node.js library to spy and mock methods in tests with great TypeScript support.
  • tinyspy - Minimal fork of nanospy, with more features.
  • test-data-bot - Generate fake yet realistic looking data for your unit tests.
  • Interface-Forge - Graceful mock-data and fixtures generation using TypeScript.
  • Axon - Aids developers with Express.js based applications to autogenerate integration tests and Postman Collections by extracting RESTful API endpoints from your source code.
  • uncreate - Minimal, type-safe REST client using JS proxies.
  • TSArch - Architecture unit test framework for Typescript.
  • wait-for-expect - Wait for expectation to be true, useful for integration and end to end testing.
  • fs-fixture - Easily create test fixtures at a temporary file-system path.
  • hanbi - Small and simple library for stubbing and spying on methods and functions in JavaScript tests.
  • user-event - Fire events the same way the user does.


  • jwt-cache - Cache an async function for generating a JSON Web Token.



  • Fermat.ts - Mathematics and statistics library for TypeScript.
  • matrix-ts - fp-ts style mathematics library featuring: linear algebra, numerical methods, polynomials, and statistics.


  • cmd-ts - Type-driven command line argument parser, with awesome error reporting.
  • Pero - Easy to use route-based tool for building large-scale command-line interfaces.
  • terminal-columns - Render readable tables in the terminal.
  • Soly - Powerful framework for building command-line apps with typescript.
  • Clii - Write some functions, JSDoc it, clii automatically turns it into a cli.


  • noble-ed25519 - Fastest JS implementation of ed25519 / ristretto255. High-security, auditable, 0-dependency EDDSA signatures and public keys.
  • Serenity Tools - Collection of tools to build secure Apps.
  • opaque-ts - TypeScript library for OPAQUE Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol.
  • charm.js - Tiny, self-contained cryptography library, implementing authenticated encryption and keyed hashing.
  • noble-bls12-381 - Fastest JS implementation of BLS12-381. Auditable, secure, 0-dependency aggregated signatures & pairings.
  • Web Crypto Tools - Set of tools to facilitate and give good defaults for use of the native Web Crypto API.
  • zkp-ecdsa - Proves knowledge of an ECDSA-P256 signature under one of many public keys that are stored in a list.


  • ts-pojo-error - Type safe pojo error will help you to easily create typed and serializable error.
  • retry-ts - Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail.
  • Erreur - Type safe custom errors.


  • ow - Argument type validation.
  • ts-toolbelt - Higher type safety for TypeScript.
  • morphic-ts - Adresses the pain of writing and maintaining derived code for business logic.
  • ts-results - TypeScript implementation of Rust's Result object.
  • TSDataStructure - Collection of data structures(LinkedList, DoubleLinkedList, Stack, Queue, Dictionary and etc...) for TypeScript.
  • fp-ts - Functional programming in TypeScript. (Functional TypeScript With fp-ts) (eslint-plugin-fp-ts) (Cheat Sheet) (Learn fp-ts)
  • fp-ts-contrib - Community driven utility package for fp-ts.
  • io-ts - Runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding. (Web)
  • typescript-utilities-guide - List of typescript helper libraries.
  • tsdef - TypeScript common pattern shortcut definitions / utility gist library.
  • ts-auto-guard - Generate type guard functions from TypeScript interfaces.
  • ts-adt - Generate Algebraic Data Types and pattern matchers.
  • ts-mockito - Mocking library for TypeScript.
  • class-validator - Validation made easy using TypeScript decorators.
  • List - Immutable list with unmatched performance and a comprehensive functional API.
  • Photon - Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js (ORM replacement).
  • ts-essentials - All basic TypeScript types in one place.
  • ts-transformer-keys - TypeScript custom transformer which enables to obtain keys of given type.
  • ts-prune - Find unused exports in a typescript project.
  • byots - Bring your own TypeScript with more internal definitions.
  • is - Type check values.
  • sql-ts - Generate TypeScript types from a SQL database.
  • Mostly ORMless - Ergonomic Postgres from TypeScript.
  • Unionize - Boilerplate-free functional sum types in TypeScript.
  • zod - Typescript-first schema validation with static type inference.
  • myzod - Schema Validation with typescript type inference.
  • utility-types - Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases.
  • fetcher-ts - Type-safe wrapper around Fetch API.
  • gretchen - Making fetch happen in TypeScript.
  • matechs-effect - Fully-fledged functional effect system for typescript with a rich standard library.
  • Funval - Minimalist library for data validation using functions interfaces.
  • tsParticles - Lightweight TypeScript library for creating particles.
  • Clack - Modern keyboard shortcut library written in Typescript.
  • fx-ts - Computational environments and effects for TypeScript.
  • Gostek - 100% typesafe SQL querybuilder.
  • connection-string - Advanced URL Connection String parser.
  • Purify - Functional programming library for TypeScript.
  • monocle-ts - Functional optics: a (partial) porting of Scala monocle.
  • ts-interface-checker - Runtime library to validate data against TypeScript interfaces.
  • ts-mysql-plugin - : A typescript language service plugin that gives superpowers to SQL tagged template literals.
  • hyper-ts - Type safe middleware architecture for HTTP servers.
  • PgTyped - Makes it possible to use raw SQL in TypeScript with guaranteed type-safety.
  • Zapatos - Zero-Abstraction Postgres for TypeScript. (Docs)
  • tagged-ts - Tagged unions code generation library for discriminating tastes.
  • Monads - Type safe Option, Result, and Either types; inspired by Rust.
  • typecheck.macro - Easy (and fast) typescript validation library/macro. Automatically generation validation functions for Typescript types.
  • typed-assert - Typesafe TS assertion library.
  • TS Pattern - Complete Pattern Matching library for TypeScript, with smart type inference.
  • TSyringe - Lightweight dependency injection container for TypeScript/JavaScript for constructor injection.
  • tslib - Runtime library for TypeScript helpers.
  • NeverThrow - Type-Safe Errors for JS & TypeScript. (Chaining Failable Tasks)
  • TypeORM fixtures CLI - Allows you to create a ton of fixtures/fake data for use while developing or testing your project.
  • ts-union - ADT sum type in typescript.
  • Kiss-ORM - ORM for TypeScript with no query-builder, supporting full SQL queries. (HN)
  • Decoder - Powerful, well tested, data decoder for Typescript.
  • openapi-typescript - Generate TypeScript types from Swagger OpenAPI specs.
  • Conditional Type Checks - Types for testing TypeScript types.
  • ts-simple-type - Relationship type checker functions for Typescript types. (Fork)
  • newtype-ts - Implementation of newtypes in TypeScript.
  • fluent-builder - Typed, fluent builder for generating fixtures in Typescript.
  • xstate-codegen - Gives you 100% type-safe usage of XState in Typescript.
  • useFsmReducer - useReducer for state machine enthusiasts.
  • tydoc - TypeScript documenter that meets you where you are.
  • Setset - Powerful Incremental Type-driven Settings Engine.
  • Suub - Simple pub/sub written in TypeScript.
  • typescript-vscode-sh-plugin - TypeScript plugin that proves richer semantic highlighing.
  • oazapfts - Generate TypeScript clients to tap into OpenAPI servers.
  • pattern-matching-ts - Pattern matching in TypeScript.
  • txstate - Effort to statically type xstate.
  • RemoteData type - ADT (algebraic data type) for typing remote data.
  • Predicate Domain Specific Language - Expressive declarative toolkit for composing predicates in TypeScript or JavaScript. (Docs)
  • True Myth - Library for safer and smarter error- and "nothing"-handling in TypeScript.
  • appy - Functional wrapper around Fetch API.
  • Barrels - Automatic TypeScript barrels (index.ts files) for your entire code base.
  • optics-ts - Type-safe, ergonomic, polymorphic optics for TypeScript.
  • set-fns - Utility library for working with sets.
  • logging-ts - Composable loggers for TypeScript.
  • typescript-is - TypeScript transformer that generates run-time type-checks.
  • typed-query-selector - Better typed querySelector and querySelectorAll.
  • typeofweb/schema - Lightweight and extensible library for data validation with full support for TypeScript.
  • Typical - Playground for type-level primitives in TypeScript.
  • typelevel-ts - Type level programming in TypeScript.
  • Type Zoo - Menagerie of useful type operators for TypeScript.
  • REST Services for Typescript - Lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
  • elm-ts - Porting of The Elm Architecture to TypeScript featuring fp-ts, RxJS and React.
  • ts-union-tools - Set of minimal utilities to work with union types and tagged unions in TypeScript.
  • ts-nameof - nameof in TypeScript.
  • prex - Asynchronous coordination for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Purifree - Pointfree type-safe functional programming library for TypeScript - with do notation, HKTs, generic lifts and more.
  • valita - Typesafe validation & parsing library for TypeScript.
  • Tick-Knock - Small and powerful, type-safe and easy-to-use Entity-Component-System (ECS) library written in TypeScript.
  • gridstack.js - Mobile-friendly modern Typescript library for dashboard layout and creation. (Web)
  • SheetQuery - Query Builder/ORM for Google Sheets.
  • immutability-helper - Mutate a copy of data without changing the original source.
  • nom-ts - TypeScript nominal-typing helpers.
  • generic-type-guard - Type safe, composable type guards for TypeScript.
  • type-plus - Additional types and types adjusted utilities for TypeScript.
  • DDD - Domain Driven Design framework for software simplicity in node.
  • ts-checked-fsm - TypeScript library providing compile-time checking for state machine transitions.
  • resolvers - Validation resolvers: Zod, Yup, Joi, Superstruct, Vest, class-validator, io-ts, and nope.
  • json-schema-to-ts - Infer TS types from JSON schemas.
  • meros - Fast utility that makes reading multipart responses simple.
  • storage - Various implementation of storage which implements API similar to the 'localStorage.'.
  • mswjs/data - Data modeling and relation library for testing JavaScript applications.
  • WolfECS - Powerful, lightweight Entity Component System framework written in Typescript.
  • typed-regex - TypeScript library for type-safe regex for named capture groups.
  • JSON bond - Type-safe JSON strings.
  • Cockatiel - Resilience and transient-fault-handling library.
  • ts-to-zod - Generate Zod schemas from Typescript types/interfaces.
  • native - Initiative which aims to make it easy to create complex, light-weight, and performant web applications using modern JS API's.
  • prelude-ts - TypeScript library which aims to make functional programming concepts accessible and productive in TypeScript.
  • Euclid.ts - Typescript library for 2D geometry.
  • Superstruct - Simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
  • async-off - Make asynchronous TypeScript code synchronous.
  • Earl - Ergonomic, modern and type-safe assertion library for TypeScript. (Web)
  • FS Capacitor - Filesystem-bufferred, passthrough stream that buffers indefinitely rather than propagate backpressure from downstream consumers.
  • rustic - TypeScript library providing emulation of Rust's Option and Result types. (Reddit)
  • log-editor - Use your editor to inspect the log instead of scrolling the congested terminal.
  • text-unicode - Unicode text OT implementation.
  • optimistic-state - Optimistic state with rollbacks and race condition handling.
  • ts-mixer - Small TypeScript library that provides tolerable Mixin functionality.
  • PointerTracker - Track mouse/touch/pointer events for a given element.
  • Yield Machine - Define State Machines using Generator Functions.
  • KBar - Add a fast, portable, and extensible command+k interface to your site. (Web) (Tweet)
  • Postel - Tiny library for building tooltips, flyovers, menus and more in React. (Article)
  • pattern-matching - Provides pattern matching features typically found in functional languages like Elixir/Erlang, ML, F#, etc.
  • H3 - Minimal HTTP framework built for high performance and portability.
  • Zerva - Minimal event driven web service infrastructure. (Module Template)
  • Zeed Library - Simple TS/JS Foundation Library.
  • UCAST - Universal Conditions AST. (Examples)
  • ts - Monorepo of typescript projects.
  • urlpack - Pure JavaScript toolkit for data URLs (MessagePack, Base58 and Base62).
  • miette - Fancy upgrade to console.log.
  • construct-js - Library for creating byte level data structures.
  • yieldparser - Parse using JavaScript generator functions — it’s like components for parsing.
  • tsafe - Missing TypeScript builtins.
  • better-typescript-lib - Better TypeScript standard library.
  • class-transformer - Decorator-based transformation, serialization, and deserialization between objects and classes.
  • Funfix - Functional Programming Library for JavaScript, TypeScript.
  • typeconv - Convert between JSON Schema, TypeScript, GraphQL, Open API and SureType.
  • multicloud-jwt - JWT that works both on AWS and GCP's KMS.
  • ts-extras - Essential utilities for TypeScript projects.
  • Cacheables - Simple in-memory cache written in Typescript with automatic cache invalidation and an elegant syntax.
  • Spatial Keyboard Navigation - Visual hierarchy approach to navigate through selectable elements on a page. (Article) (HN)
  • OpenCensus - Stats collection and distributed tracing framework.
  • Config Validator Policy - Library of constraint templates and sample constraints for Forseti Config Validator.
  • safety-match - Rust-style pattern matching for TypeScript.
  • tsutils - Utility functions for working with typescript's AST.
  • as-typed - Static TypeScript types from a literal JSONSchema type.
  • fast-sort - Blazing fast array sorting with TypeScript support.
  • NativeScript plugins
  • Trie - Fast trie implementation for TypeScript.
  • Effect-TS - Fully-fledged functional effect system for typescript with a rich standard library.
  • Effect-TS - Query - Efficient pipelining, batching, and caching to any data source (port of zio-query).
  • Effect-TS - Schema - Next Gen Data Modelling.
  • Typanion - Static and runtime type assertion library with no dependencies.
  • maath - Math helpers for the rest of us.
  • Typed-Emitter - Strictly typed event emitter interface for TypeScript.
  • parser-ts - String parser combinators for TypeScript.
  • koan-chunked - Helper functions to create and apply chunks.
  • XActor - Actor model implementation for JavaScript and TypeScript, heavily inspired by Akka.
  • typescript-monads - Write safer TypeScript using Maybe, List, Result, and Either monads.
  • Splide - Lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel written in TypeScript. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors.
  • Decoders - Elegant and battle-tested validation library for type-safe input data for TypeScript.
  • B+ tree - B+ trees are ordered collections of key-value pairs, sorted by key.
  • Arcsecond - Zero Dependency Parser Combinator Library for JS Based on Haskell's Parsec.
  • Freehold - Library to help users gain freehold of their data, using in-browser cryptography coupled with the power of popular crypto wallets.
  • cancelable-promise - Simple Cancelable Promise.
  • pkg-types - Node.js utilities and TypeScript definitions for package.json and tsconfig.json.
  • vscode-textbuffer - Text buffer used in VS Code/Monaco.
  • TS-Collection - Performant Algorithms and Data-Structures for the Web & NodeJS. (Docs)
  • tldraw/intersect - 2D intersection utilities for TLDraw and maybe you, too.
  • typesafe-i18n - Opinionated, fully type-safe, lightweight localization library for TypeScript and JavaScript projects with no external dependencies.
  • queueable - Convert streams to async iterables.
  • sequelize-typescript - Decorators and some other features for sequelize.
  • tiny-invariant - Takes a value, and if the value is falsy then the invariant function will throw.
  • tinykeys - Tiny (~400 B) & modern library for keybindings.
  • Algebraify - Algebraic effects library for JS and TS using generators.
  • defu - Assign default properties, recursively.
  • FxTS - Functional library for TypeScript/JavaScript programmers. (Web)
  • tsconfck - Utility to find and parse tsconfig files without depending on typescript.
  • proxy-compare - Compare two objects using accessed properties with Proxy.
  • fnts - Minimal Functional Programming Utilities for TypeScript & JavaScript. (Docs)
  • Crunker - Simple way to merge or concatenate audio files with the Web Audio API.
  • static-path - Uses the type system to prevent 404s at compile time.
  • ts-belt - Fast, modern, and practical utility library for FP in TypeScript. (Docs)
  • std - Some Haskell Prelude functions in TS.
  • async-sema - Semaphore using async and await.
  • Suretype - Typesafe JSON (Schema) validator.
  • Already - Utility functions for promises; finally, map, filter, etc.
  • Commonly - Modern utility library for JavaScript/TypeScript.
  • rian - Effective tracing for the edge and origins.
  • Foy - Simple, light-weight, type-friendly and modern task runner for general purpose.
  • fp-ts-std - Missing pseudo-standard library for fp-ts. Supports both modern browsers and Node.
  • deep-proxy - Deep proxy implementation for TypeScript.
  • ts-runtime - Runtime Type Checks for TypeScript. (Playground)
  • Dastal - Data structures & algorithms implementations in TypeScript.
  • base64-arraybuffer - Encode/decode base64 data into ArrayBuffers.
  • ts-shift - Generate efficient, TypeScript-friendly value validators from TypeScript types.
  • logger - Zero dependency, light-weight, blazing fast customizable logging library.
  • pacote - Box of goodies, in TypeScript.
  • refa - Library for finite automata and regular expressions in the context of JS RegExp.
  • msagl-js - JavaScript graph layout library.
  • Curved Arrows - Draw S-curved arrows between points or shapes.
  • ufo - URL utils for humans.
  • murmurhash-es - ESM version of murmurhash v2 and v3.
  • Repeater.js - Missing constructor for creating safe async iterators.
  • pattern-select - Simple pattern matching in Typescript. (Article)
  • scanner - Document scanning from scratch.
  • penpal - Promise-based library for securely communicating with iframes via postMessage.
  • unconfig - Universal solution for loading configurations.
  • od - Nice date library.
  • memoize - Higher-order memoization function.
  • Rallie - Library that helps users implement decentralized front-end micro service architecture.
  • tree-visit - Tree traversal library.
  • filespy - Spy on files.
  • pubble - TypeScript implementation of event-driven proxy state.
  • DIGL - JavaScript Directed Graph auto-layout algorithm.
  • concurrently.macro - Transforms your async function to be run concurrently much as possible.
  • Routz - Define your SPA routes in a single source of truth - use them everywhere.
  • predicate - eDSL to write typed predicates.
  • Elderform - Form creation made easy, backed by state machines.
  • zod-to-ts - Generate TypeScript types from your Zod schema.
  • Typed Inject - Type safe dependency injection for TypeScript.
  • p - Tools for handling promises.
  • Sunflake - Zero dependency, lightweight, snowflake generator.
  • glob-bus - 249 byte pub/sub event bus with namespaced wildcard support.
  • bar-of-progress - Small, easy & zero-dependency progress bar component.
  • Entity - Privacy-aware data layer for defining, caching, and authorizing access to application data models. (Tweet)
  • perfect-cursors - Perfect interpolation for animated multiplayer cursors. Used in tldraw.
  • reactive-fs - Reactive filesystem interface based on Vue 3 reactivity system.
  • Omick - Tiny, type-safe pick and omit functions.
  • Publer - Tiny, type-safe pubsub library.
  • Typed - Smallest runtime type-checking library ever made.
  • rsts - Naive port of Rust's Result and Option types written in TypeScript.
  • Union Types - Typescript library for creating discriminating union types.
  • spectacles-ts - Practical Optics • Unfancy monocle-ts.
  • Falso - All the Fake Data for All Your Real Needs.
  • SDF-2D - Graphics library to enable the real-time rendering of 2D signed distance fields on the web.
  • Tsconfig Type - Always up-to-date tsconfig.json type, transformed from its JSON Schema Store definition.
  • aribb24 - HTML5 subtitle renderer.
  • TinyBase - Tiny, reactive JavaScript library for structured state and tabular data. (Web) (HN)
  • Danfo.js - JavaScript library providing high performance, intuitive, and easy to use data structures for manipulating and processing structured data. (Docs)
  • Algolia Filters Query Builder - Parser for having a structured way for querying algolia similar to well known ODMs or ORMS.
  • bitstream - Powerful bitstream library for TypeScript. (HN)
  • c12 - Smart Config Loader.
  • Dialogic - Manage dialogs and notifications.
  • Offset Polygon - Small, no dependency library for offsetting polygons.
  • TS Expect - Checks values in TypeScript match expectations.
  • observable-fns - Light-weight observable implementation and functional utilities in TypeScript.
  • Colormath.js - Color conversion and color manipulation library written in typescript for Node.js, Deno and Browser.
  • simplex-noise.js - Simplex noise implementation in JavaScript/TypeScript.
  • until - Gracefully handle Promises using async/await without try/catch.
  • outvariant - Type-safe implementation of invariant with positionals.
  • EventEmitter - Mirror that restricts emitting/handling events other than specified in an interface.
  • ts-regexp - Regular expressions matching at compile time with TypeScript.
  • sanitize-url
  • typescript-rtti - Emits Typescript metadata for use at runtime.
  • principia.ts - TypeScript functional programming.
  • Behavior Graph - Software architecture and state management library.
  • Effection - Framework for Node and the browser that makes building concurrent systems easy to get right.
  • Pintora - Extensible JavaScript text-to-diagrams library that works in both browser and Node.js.
  • muse-js - Muse 1, Muse 2, and Muse S EEG Headset JavaScript Library (using Web Bluetooth).
  • Human-ID - Generates human readable identifier strings by chaning common (short) words of the english language.
  • opentelemetry-instrumentations-js - JavaScript extensions for the OpenTelemetry project.
  • Resize Observer - Polyfills the ResizeObserver API.
  • Effector History - Utility library that implements undo/redo feature for you.
  • ts-dependent-types - Experimental collection of dependent type definitions in TypeScript.
  • ms - Tiny millisecond conversion utility.
  • jsSHA - TypeScript/JavaScript streaming implementation of the complete Secure Hash Standard (SHA) family.
  • miniplex - Joyfully minimal riff on ECS with a focus on Developer Experience.
  • Telescopic Text - Open-source library to help with creating expandable text.
  • ZenJSON - Parse and serialize special types into JSON-compatible data.
  • literal-parser - Small library to parse JavaScript array/object literal.
  • Simultan - Simultaneously run an async function on any iterable with limited concurrency.
  • mrmime - Tiny (2.8kB) and fast utility for getting a MIME type from an extension or filename.
  • zod-plugins - Plugins and utilities for Zod.
  • unionfs - Use multiple fs modules at once.
  • tiny-decoders - Type-safe data decoding for the minimalist.
  • js-libp2p-bootstrap - JavaScript libp2p Implementation of the railing process of a Node through a bootstrap peer list.
  • expressive-glob - Write glob patterns in super expressive and an easy way.
  • exponential-backoff - Utility that allows retrying a function with an exponential delay between attempts.
  • Transform a JSON Schema to Yup Schema
  • Rimbu - TypeScript library focused on immutable, performant, and type-safe collections and other tools.
  • parallel-park - Parallel/concurrent async work, optionally using multiple processes.
  • screenshot - Zero-dependency browser-native way to take screenshots powered by the native web MediaDevices API.
  • quadtree-ts - Store and retrieve Rectangles, Circles and Lines in a recursive 2D quadtree.
  • KitQL - Set of tools, helping you building efficient apps in a fast way.
  • dolla bill - Easily work with Apple in-app purchases.
  • await-less
  • circular_buffer_js - Fast TS/JS implementation of a circular buffer (aka ring queue, cyclic list, etc.).
  • Excalidraw Libraries
  • pheno - Simple, lightweight at-runtime type checking functions, with full TypeScript support. (Tweet)
  • tsm - TypeScript vector and matrix math library.
  • boolean - Converts lots of things to boolean.
  • magic-string-extra - Extended magic-string with extra utilities.
  • Sceneify - Easiest way to control OBS from JavaScript.
  • event - Strictly typed event emitter with asynciterator support.
  • ultimate/vault - Typed localStorage and sessionStorage utility with data structure and prefix support.
  • ESP-TypeScript - Transpile TypeScript to Espruino flavor of JavaScript for ESP8266/ESP32 microcontrollers template project.
  • Viselect - Simple and lightweight library to add a visual way of selecting elements, just like on your Desktop.
  • secure-webhooks - Secure signature-based authentication helper for webhooks.
  • BlueLibs - Collection of open-source software solutions designed for the modern web and enterprise scale.
  • proto-arrows - Utility functions for drawing beautiful arrows using cubic bezier paths.
  • Squirrelly - Modern, configurable, and blazing fast template engine implemented in JavaScript.
  • Quagga2 - Advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Freezeframe.js - Library that pauses animated .gifs and enables them to animate on mouse hover / mouse click / touch event, or triggered manually.
  • Iti - 1kB IoC container for Typescript/JavaScript with a focus on async flow.
  • Optimal - Build, validate, and transform values with immutable typed schemas.
  • collectable - High-performance, persistent, immutable, functional data structures.
  • Guards - Comprehensive collection of type guards for JavaScript and TypeScript; Inspired by Elixir.
  • striff - Real simple string diffing.
  • io-ts-strings - String types for io-ts.
  • Event Bus - Typesafe cross-platform pubsub event bus ensuring reliable communication.
  • Tiny WASI - Tiny WASI runtime written in TypeScript. (HN)
  • unimport - Unified utils for auto importing APIs in modules.
  • JSON Schema Typed - JSON Schema TypeScript definitions with complete inline documentation.
  • device-detector-js - Precise user agent parser and device detector written in TypeScript.
  • tswhy - Community effort to enrich TypeScript diagnostics.
  • vConsole - Lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
  • Boxed - Utility types for functional TypeScript.
  • Cucumber Screenplay - Library to ease implementation of the Screenplay pattern with CucumberJS.
  • DeepmergeTS - Deeply merge 2 or more objects respecting type information.
  • cursor-chat - Lightweight cursor chat à la Figma for digital co-existing + presence.
  • streaming-iterables - Swiss army knife for async iterables. Designed to replace your streams.
  • dom-chef - Build DOM elements using JSX automatically.
  • Javelin - TypeScript ECS and multiplayer game development toolkit.
  • Got Scraping - HTTP client made for scraping based on got.
  • Adze - Library for shaping your JavaScript logs.
  • vk-js - VK shared JS libs.
  • ast-node-finder - AST Node Find api automatically generated from code.
  • tst-reflect - Advanced TypeScript runtime reflection system.
  • parse-openapi - OpenAPI v3 parser.
  • node-interval-tree - Interval Tree data structure.
  • Floggy - Universal structured event-oriented logging for libraries & applications.
  • Functionless - TypeScript plugin that transforms TypeScript code into Service-to-Service (aka. "functionless") integrations.
  • get-tsconfig - Find and parse the tsconfig.json file from a directory path.
  • user-flow - CLI to write and run user-flows in typesript without boilerplate.
  • ts-bus - Lightweight JavaScript/TypeScript event bus to help manage your application architecture.
  • transformer-open-graph - Extracts Open Graph metadata from a URL and create an HTML preview.
  • Merge anything - Merge objects & other types recursively. Fully TypeScript supported.
  • is What? - Simple & small JS type check functions. It's fully TypeScript supported.
  • Case anything - 14 case changing functions.
  • TS Plus std lib
  • expressive-ts - Functional programming library designed to simplify building complex regular expressions.
  • graphics-ts - Functional bindings for the HTML Canvas API.
  • Effect-TS - Printer
  • Json Function - Allows you to use methods such as schema, innerJoin, where, limit, select, orderBy on JSON data.
  • astx - Structural search and replace for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • psd - Blazing fast, zero-dependency PSD parser for the web and Node.js.
  • Redo - Set of devtools that make it easier to build and test JS/TS. (Docs)
  • Immerhin - Send patches around to keep the system in sync.
  • typed-struct - TypeScript utility library for creating objects that store their properties in a buffer for serialization/deserialization.
  • remote-ui - Allows you to create custom component APIs in JavaScript that can be used to render UI from a context other than the UI thread, like a web worker.
  • martha - Tiny collection of convenient JavaScript utilities.
  • tson - Type Safe Object Notation & Validation.
  • TypeStream - Next-generation data transformation framework for TypeScript that puts developer experience first.
  • unmeta - Simple tools for interacting with HTML metadata tags.
  • Scene.js - JavaScript & CSS timeline-based animation library.
  • Scena - Component that represents the timeline of Scene.js. You can control time, properties, and items.
  • egjs-agent - Extracts browser and operating system information from the user agent string or user agent object(userAgentData).
  • Qufl - JWT authentication library that supports refresh tokens.
  • ts-macros - Custom typescript transformer which implements function macros.
  • CronosJS - Cron based task scheduler for node and the browser, with extended syntax and timezone support.
  • Schemawax - Tiny typed data decoder—get to the DNA of your data.
  • hmans/signal - Signals represent distinct signals -- or events -- that allow interested parties to add callbacks to them that will be evoked whenever the signal is emitted.
  • fly-node-api - Type safe API client for the Graphql API.
  • Struct Vec - JavaScript array-like containers for multithreading.
  • mem - Memoize functions - An optimization used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input.
  • paintkit - UI components and utilities for graphics editors or similar apps.
  • Monadic Event Stream - High-performance reactive event stream programming that powers Most.
  • lazy - Small, useful set of methods for lazy iteration of iterables.
  • untyped - Generate types and markdown from a config object.
  • scroll-snap - Snap page when user stops scrolling, with a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behavior.
  • Google Maps JavaScript API Loader - Load the Google Maps JavaScript API script dynamically.
  • sum-types - Safe, ergonomic, non-generic sum types in TypeScript.
  • tsPEG - PEG Parser Generator for TypeScript.
  • InversifyJS - Powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.
  • flocky - Utility library with clarity and efficiency at the core. 0 dependencies.
  • trace-mapping - Trace the original position through a source map.
  • TypeScript-JSON - 2x faster JSON stringify function with only one line.
  • Delta - Simple, yet expressive format that can be used to describe contents and changes.
  • Result - TypeScript result type taking cues from Rust's Result and Haskell's Either types.
  • OpenRPC Client JS - Browser-compatible JSON-RPC client with multiple transports.
  • LZ-UTF8 - High-performance JavaScript string compression library.
  • flat-drop-files - Normalize the DataTransferItems interface from a drop event.
  • Injectable TS - Purely-functional strictly-typed IoC/DI for TypeScript.
  • Scrollex - Build beautiful scroll experiences using minimal code.
  • TypeScript JSON Decoder - Library for decoding untrusted data as it comes in to your system, inspired by elm-json-decode.
  • Network Idle - Detect when the browser's network requests are idle.
  • immer-yjs - Combine immer & y.js.
  • InfluxDB JS
  • ts-case-convert - Convert between camelCase and snake_case while preserving typescript information.
  • Starbeam - New kind of reactive library. It makes reactive programming simple and fun, and it works with your existing JavaScript framework. (HN)
  • factoria - Simplistic model factory for Node/JavaScript.
  • oxide.ts - Rust's Option\<T> and Result\<T, E>, implemented for TypeScript.
  • typesafe-utils - Collection of a few small lightweight typesafe utilities.
  • Layr - Dramatically simplify full‑stack development.
  • ZXing - Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library, usable in JavaScript ecosystem.
  • YFS - Synchronize text files between the browser and the file system using the File System Access API and Yjs.
  • spring-easing - Quick and easy spring animation.
  • copycat - Generate deterministic fake values: The same input will always generate the same fake-output.
  • Optionals - Rust-like error handling and options for TypeScript and Deno.
  • Turbo Query - Lightweight asynchronous data management.
  • hi18n - Message internationalization meets immutability and type-safety.
  • FortuneSheet - Drop-in JS spreadsheet library that provides rich features like Excel and Google Sheets.
  • Yooda - 600b validation library with custom handlers and messages.
  • TypePipe - Library to create pipelines with contexts and strong type checking.
  • AutoAnimate - Zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. (Web)
  • AMQP-client.js - AMQP 0-9-1 TypeScript client both for Node.js and browsers (using WebSocket).
  • Hilbert.ts - TypeScript library for expression parsing, simplification, and MathML rendering.
  • QR Code Styling - Automatically generate your styled QR code in your web app. (Web)
  • StableLib - Stable library of useful TypeScript/JavaScript code.
  • JSON Infer Types - Infers the type and format of JSON values.
  • TSTL - Standard Template Library, migrated from C++.
  • munum - Micro 3D Math Library for JavaScript and WebAssembly.
  • Scroll Snap Carousel - Helper to enhance the native CSS Scroll Snap experience.
  • QR Scanner - Lightweight JavaScript QR Code Scanner.
  • vali-guard - Somewhat flexible validation library that guarantees TypeScript type-safety.
  • proxy-hooks - Zero dependency JS proxy wrapper for ease of use with first class TS support.
  • Emery - Polish for the rough parts of TypeScript.
  • jsx-view
  • better-ajv-errors - Human-friendly JSON Schema validation for APIs.
  • iterate-all - Converts an iterable, iterable of Promises, or async iterable into a Promise of an Array.
  • convert-units - Elegant way to convert quantities between different units.
  • timsy - Agnostic functional state machine with epic type support.
  • sim-ecs - Type-based, Components-first ECS, which is optimized for simulation needs. Will run in NodeJS and the browser.
  • h3-typebox - Schema validation utilities for h3, using typebox & ajv.
  • p-props - Like Promise.all() but for Map and Object.
  • ts-poet - TypeScript code generator that is a fancy wrapper around template literals.
  • WRP - TypeScript Implementation of Webview/Worker Request Protocol.
  • JSON BinPack - Open-source binary JSON serialization format with a strong focus on space efficiency.
  • Tinkoff Utils - Fast, small and purely functional utility library.
  • lexure - Parser and utilities for non-technical user input.
  • fn.obs - Tiny (750B minzipped) library for creating reactive observables via functions.
  • fastest-levenshtein - Fastest implementation of Levenshtein distance in JS/TS.
  • JSON-LD Streaming Parser - Fast and lightweight streaming JSON-LD parser for JavaScript.
  • Cookies - Manage request/response cookies in the environments where those are not supported.
  • Sigma - TypeScript parser combinator library for building fast and convenient parsers.
  • ffmpeggy - Minimal yet powerful wrapper for FFmpeg and FFprobe.
  • jsonup - Zero dependency compile-time JSON parser written in TypeScript.
  • p-signal - Simple way to cancel promises.
  • Atlasify - GPU friendly assets packer using max-rects algorithm.
  • ioc - Lightweight (<1kb) inversion of controlJS library for dependency injection.
  • Transmat - Share data beyond the browser boundaries. Enable users to transfer data to external apps, and open your web app to receive external data.
  • Cron-Time - Cron Time Expression Generator/Builder written in Typescript.
  • evalish - Slightly safer-ish wrapper around eval Function constructors.
  • Spartan Schema - Ultra-minimal JSON schemas with Typescript inference. (HN)
  • fast-array-diff - Node module to find the same/diff of two arrays.
  • settle-it - Like Promise.allSettled() but for sync and async functions.
  • good-try - Tries to execute sync/async function, returns a specified default value if the function throws.
  • esfx - Suite of packages designed to provide low-level APIs for interoperable libraries.
  • Nominal - Nominal and refinement types. (Reddit)
  • Poppinss - Collection of reusable scripts used by AdonisJS core team.
  • Alge - Type safe fluent API library for creating Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) in TypeScript.
  • Behavior-Graph - Open, extensible, small and simple behavior-graph execution engine.
  • TypeScript Tuple - Generics to work with tuples in TypeScript.
  • npx-import - Runtime dependencies, installed as if by magic.
  • client-zip - Concatenates multiple files (e.g. from multiple HTTP requests) into a single ZIP, in the browser.
  • Async-Mutex - Mutex for synchronizing async workflows in JavaScript.