- Area of sphere - strangely beautiful in its simplicity
- MetaPost + ConTeXt rendition of Oliver Byrne's "The first six books of the Elements of Euclid"
- hyperbolic - Python 3 library for generating hyperbolic geometry and drawing it.
- Topos Theory course
- Discrete Differential Geometry Forum
- Discrete Differential Geometry course by Keenan Crane (2020) (Web)
- CS 15-458/858: Discrete Differential Geometry
- GeoGebra - Dynamic mathematics software.
- Polyhedra Viewer - Explore the relationships between convex regular-faced polyhedra. (Code) (Polyhedron Wiki)
- Twenty Proofs of Euler's Formula: V-E+F=2 (HN)
- Qhull - Computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation, and furthest-site Voronoi diagram. (Code)
- Non-Euclidean Geometry Explained (2020)
- What does this prove? Some of the most gorgeous visual "shrink" proofs ever invented (2020)
- Impossible shapes library
- An Elementary Introduction to Information Geometry (2018) (HN)
- A hidden gem in sound symmetry (HN)
- Algorithmic Geometry
- Mathematical Art by Henry Segerman
- Synthetic Differential Geometry
- Hexagonal Grids (2013) (HN)
- Higher-Dimensional Categories: an illustrated guide book (2004)
- Keller's conjecture (Code)
- Geomstats - Computations and statistics on manifolds with geometric structures. (Docs)
- The many ways of splitting a rectangle in many (HN)
- Metric Spaces and How To Compare Them (2021)
- Knot Theory and its Applications
- The Crooked Geometry of Round Trips (2021)
- Lectures on Analytic Geometry (2019)
- Cleaner parallel curves with Euler spirals (2021)
- Statistics Postdoc Tames Decades-Old Geometry Problem (2021) (HN)
- Möbius Printing helper
- Differential Forms (Discrete Differential Geometry) (2021)
- Diagrams for Penrose Tiles (2021)
- Tesseract, 4th Dimension Made Easy - Carl Sagan
- New Approach to Arakelov Geometry (2007) (Reddit)
- A Satisfying Result (2021)
- Geometry Processing Course
- Generating Random Convex Polygons
- jaxgptoolbox - Collection of basic geometry processing functions, constructed to work with jax's audodifferentiation feature for applications in machine learning.
- Euclidean plane and its relatives: minimalist introduction (Code)
- Introduction to Differential Geometry (2017)
- Non-Euclidean Geometry: Interactive Hyperbolic Tiling in the Poincaré Disc
- Vertex-Edge-Face format - Formal file format but is used by many people to describe single geometric objects. (Tweet)
- Mathematicians Transcend Geometric Theory of Motion (2021)
- Large steps in inverse rendering of geometry (2021) (Code)
- Geometry Processing with Neural Fields (2021) (Code)
- Packing Equal Copies
- Discrete and Computational Geometry Book (HN)
- Executable version of Functional Differential Geometry
- scikit-geometry - Scientific Python Geometric Algorithms Library.
- RBush - High-performance JavaScript R-tree-based 2D spatial index for points and rectangles.
- S2 Geometry Library - C++ package for manipulating geometric shapes. (HN)
- Trimesh - Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.
- Geometric.js - JavaScript library for doing geometry.
- Polygon Mesh Processing Library - C++ open-source library for processing and visualizing polygon surface meshes.
- What is the inverse of a circle? (2022) (HN)
- Geogram - Programming library with geometric algorithms.
- Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves (HN)
- Geometry – Intellectual Mathematics - Introductory geometry course for mathematics students.
- On Origami Classification
- RingApp - Database app for ring theory.
- What are some interesting applications of differential geometry? (2022)
- Explain the buzz around algebraic geometry (2022)