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Moved to Warp terminal from iTerm.

Use Zsh as my shell together with Antibody plugin manager and Pure theme.

Assigned w + j with Karabiner to open the app from Keyboard Maestro in seconds.

I used Primer GitHub theme for iTerm. And share my iTerm preferences.

I have iTerm switch between Primer Light and Primer Dark themes as I change between macOS appearances.

Primer Light

Primer Dark

My workflow

I always have at least 3 tabs (sessions) always open in iTerm. I open other tabs as need arise but it usually doesn't as I use VS Code's integrated terminal on per project basis.

My always open tabs are:

  1. Jump - Main tab I use to quickly jump around my file system. Bound to f+j.
  2. Run/Workspace - I use it as extra tab where I sometimes run a server or something where it makes sense. Bound to f+s.
  3. Karabiner - Contains my Karabiner configuration I edit in neovim. Bound to f+:.
