Tao of Node is useful. Broken Promises is a great talk on JS promises.
I use Bun now instead of node.
H3 is nice HTTP lib. If you're not using Bun, tsno & tsx are good for running node.
- I use package.json scripts as entrypoints to custom JS scripts. Make is a build tool, not a meta-shellscript format.
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
to bulk choose which packages to upgrade to latest version.
- Introduction to Node.js
- Node.Dev - Latest Node.js content, news and updates in one place.
- Original presentation by Ryan Dahl on node.js
- Node.js Best Practices
- Supercharge your debugging experience for Node.js
- ndb - Improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools.
- What is the Node way?
- Redbird - Modern reverse proxy for node.
- ncc - Simple CLI for compiling a Node.js module into a single file, together with all its dependencies, gcc-style.
- TestCafe - Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing.
- ndb - Improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools.
- Fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js. (Web) (What Is Fastify?)
- fastify-plugin - Plugin helper for Fastify.
- fastify-cli - Run a Fastify application with one command.
- Fastify Typescript Starter
- fastify-reply-from - Fastify plugin to forward the current HTTP request to another server. HTTP2 to HTTP is supported too.
- Nodal - API Services Made Easy With Node.js
- Node.js Fundamentals: Web Server Without Dependencies (2018)
- node-sqlite3 - Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js.
- Pragmatic Modularity (2016)
- Stability first (2016)
- David - Node.js module that tells you when your package npm dependencies are out of date.
- httpie - Node.js HTTP client as easy as pie.
- Bull - Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.
- depcheck - Check your npm module for unused dependencies.
- Marble.js - Functional reactive HTTP framework built on top of Node.js platform, TypeScript and RxJS.
- Nest - Progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications, heavily inspired by Angular. (Web) (Awesome) (Nest framework TypeScript starter)
- Nest CLI - CLI tool for Nest applications.
- Asynchronous Programming Library - Library of Asynchronous Programming Abstractions.
- Curated list of awesome developer tools for writing cross-platform Node.js code
- Simple Git - Light weight interface for running git commands in any node.js application.
- patch-package - Fix broken node modules instantly.
- Debugging in 2017 with Node.js
- np - Better npm publish.
- Using npm's
command for Fun and Insight (2019) - TSBB - Zero-config CLI for TypeScript node.js application development.
- NodeSource - Low-impact monitoring for mission-critical Node.js applications.
- qnm - Simple cli utility for querying the node_modules directory.
- isolated-vm - Secure & isolated JS environments for nodejs.
- fnm - Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in native ReasonML.
- pacote - Node.js library for downloading npm-compatible packages.
- node-module-boilerplate - Boilerplate to kickstart creating a Node.js module.
- stringio - Convert strings to Node.js streams and vice versa.
- npkill - Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders.
- TaskBotJS - Best JavaScript/TypeScript job processing framework on the planet.
- Verdaccio - Lightweight private npm proxy registry.
- Node Serialport - Access serial ports with JavaScript. Linux, OSX and Windows.
- RunKit - Sandboxed JavaScript environment as notebooks.
- Velcro - Suite of packages designed to bridge the runtime gap between browser development and the node package ecosystem.
- Autarky - Liberating disk space from node_modules.
- pre-bundled - Tool that pre bundles and re publishes npm dependencies.
- oclif - Framework for building CLIs in Node.js
- Node.js Interview Questions
- SOLID: Introduction to software architecture & design principles with Node.js & TypeScript
- graffiti - Web-like GUI toolkit for node.js with minimal overhead. Lightweight, GPU-rendered alternative to electron.
- ls-engines - Determine if your dependency graph's stated "engines" criteria is met.
- relative-deps - Installs local dependencies for optimal developer experience.
- Pug - Robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for NodeJS.
- Nock - HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js.
- Node.js CLI Apps Best Practices
- vm2 - Advanced vm/sandbox for Node.js.
- mock-fs - Allows Node's built-in fs module to be backed temporarily by an in-memory, mock file system.
- http-proxy-middleware - One-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express and browser-sync.
- ThreadBox - Recursive Worker Threads in NodeJS.
- Helpful libraries and resources for building Node.js CLIs
- Node.js Backend Architecture Typescript Project
- react-blessed - React custom renderer for the blessed library.
- v8-compile-cache - Require hook for automatic V8 compile cache persistence.
- nve - Run any command on specific Node.js versions.
- node-cpp-skel - Skeleton for bindings to C++ libraries for Node.js using node-addon-api.
- Domain-Driven Design w/ TypeScript & Node.js (Vinyl-Trading enterprise app built with Node.js + TypeScript using Domain-Driven Design)
- Official Docker Image for Node.js
- Learn ES Modules in Node with Myles Borins (2020)
- Node File Trace - Determine exactly which files (including node_modules) are necessary for the application runtime.
- Awesome npm scripts
- Emma - Terminal assistant to find and install node packages.
- v8-perf - Notes and resources related to V8 and thus Node.js performance.
- VSCode Language Server - Node
- tslog - Beautiful logging experience for Node.js with TypeScript support.
- Objection.js - SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js.
- AWS Box - Featherweight PaaS on top of Amazon EC2 for deploying node apps.
- Using Streams Efficiently in NodeJS (2020)
- Native ESM in Node.js w/ require() fallbacks and support for all front end compilers (2020)
- fetch-h2 - Fetch API implementation for Node.js using the built-in http, https and http2 packages without any compatibility layer.
- piscina - Fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation.
- Tinypool - Fork of piscina. Fast, efficient Node.js Worker Thread Pool implementation.
- Objection.js - SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js.
- Build JavaScript applications with Node.js
- Node.js Notes
- How to stream file downloads in Node.js with Got (2020)
- orogene - Next-generation platform and package manager for Node.js-compatible and frontend JavaScript projects.
- undici - HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.
- cheerio - Fast, flexible & lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
- Skia Canvas - Skia + Rust = Serverside Canvas for Node. (HN)
- Intro to Node That You May Have Missed (2018)
- node-postgres - Non-blocking PostgreSQL client for Node.js. Pure JavaScript and optional native libpq bindings.
- Docker best practices with Node (2020)
- Performance Best Practices Using Express in Production
- Node.js' Tooling Group - Advancing Node.js as a framework for writing great tools.
- 5 TILs about Node.js Fundamentals from the Node.js Design Patterns Book (2020)
- Promise Pool - Map-like, concurrent promise processing.
- Node CLI Automation - Build Node.js Command-line Automation Dev-tools.
- Top 11 Node.js ORMs, Query Builders & Database Libraries in 2020
- npm-check-updates - Upgrades your package.json dependencies to the latest versions, ignoring specified versions.
- yarn-audit-fix - Apply npm audit fix logic to yarn.lock.
- @hapi/lab - Node test utility.
- live-plugin-manager - Node.js module that allows you to install, uninstall and load any node package at runtime from npm registry.
- Run yarn/npm scripts with fzf (2020)
- PnPm - Fast, disk space efficient package manager. (Docs) (Web) (HN) (How it works)
- node-request-interceptor - Low-level HTTP/HTTPS/XHR request interception library for Node.
- napi-rs - Minimal library for building compiled NodeJS add-ons in Rust. (Docs) (Web Code) (Tweet)
- Template project for writing node package with napi-rs
- esno - TypeScript/ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild.
- TypeScript Tools for Node.js
- Learning Node.js internals
- Boa - Call python functions from Node.
- Cliffy - Framework For Interactive CLIs.
- localPorridge - Rip-off of localStorage for Node.
- Why does package-lock.json exist, and how does it work? (2020)
- NodeConf Remote
- node-csv - Full featured CSV parser with simple api and tested against large datasets.
- totalist - Tiny utility to recursively list all (total) files in a directory.
- Hyperbee - Append-only Btree running on a Hypercore.
- tinyhttp - Tiny web framework as a replacement of Express.
- Awesome Node Native ESM modules
- npm-diff - Diff two versions of a node module.
- Esbuilt optimizer - Convert your dependencies to ESM bundles using esbuild.
- Why Node isn't exiting?
- fast-csv - Library for parsing and formatting CSVs or any other delimited value file in node.
- ipt - Interactive Pipe To: The Node.js cli interactive workflow.
- node-gyp - Cross-platform command-line tool written in Node.js for compiling native addon modules for Node.js.
- lockfile-lint - Lint an npm or yarn lockfile to analyze and detect security issues.
- systeminformation - System Information Library for Node.JS.
- fastify-micro - Opinionated Node.js microservices framework built on Fastify.
- wsrun - Command runner for Yarn workspaces. Dependency aware.
- Bree - Best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support.
- kevin-middleware - Express middleware that makes developing javascript in a monorepo easier.
- nestjs-pgpromise - Module for Utilizing Pg-promise with NestJS.
- byline - Line-by-line Stream reader for node.js.
- PM2 - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer. (Web)
- keytar - Native Node module to get, add, replace, and delete passwords in system's keychain.
- npm-run-all - CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.
- mock-require - Simple, intuitive mocking of Node.js modules.
- NPM Trends - Compare NPM package downloads. (Code)
- gh-release - Create a github release for a node package.
- Our Journey to a High-Performance Node.js Library (2020)
- Corepack - Zero-runtime-dependency package acting as bridge between Node projects and their package managers.
- lazynpm - Simple terminal UI for npm commands, written in Go.
- Retes - Typed, Declarative, Data-Driven Routing for Node.js.
- node-glob - Match files using the patterns the shell uses.
- Yarn Build - Build and bundle your local packages like Bazel and Buck but for Yarn v2. (Web) (Introduction)
- yarn-deduplicate - Deduplication tool for yarn.lock files.
- The Node Experiment - Exploring Async Basics with Rust. Aims to take a look at the why and how of concurrent programming. (Code)
- nbin - Fast and robust node.js binary compiler.
- Similar NPM Packages - Similar packages suggestions for the NPM ecosystem.
- Roarr - JSON logger for Node.js and browser.
- npm-upgrade - Interactive CLI utility to easily update outdated NPM dependencies.
- Curveball - Framework for building web services in Node.js. It fullfills a similar role to Express and it's heavily inspired by Koa.
- a12n-server - Ready-to-go OAuth2 server for Node.js.
- pure-http - Simple web framework for Node.js with zero dependencies.
- Distributed Systems with Node.js: Building Enterprise-Ready Backend Services (2020)
- esbuild-node-tsc - Build your Typescript Node.js projects using blazing fast esbuild.
- esbuild-runner - Super-fast on-the-fly transpilation of modern JS, TypeScript and JSX using esbuild.
- vercel/pkg - Package your Node.js project into an executable.
- Node Package Maintenance Team - Discussion of helping with maintenance of key packages in the ecosystem.
- Minimal Node.js Docker Images built on Alpine Linux
- got - Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.js.
- Farrow - Functional-style web framework for node.js written by TypeScript.
- Celery.node - Celery task queue client/worker for nodejs.
- Pipe Streams in Node in the Right Way (2020)
- shargs (shell args) - Library for building command-line argument parsers.
- NodeGui - Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with Node.js and CSS like styling. Powered by Qt. (Web)
- Profiling Node.js - Collection of articles and tools to efficiently profile Node.js.
- Zeronode - Minimal building block for NodeJS microservices.
- Amplication - Instantly Generate Node.js Apps with GraphQL and REST API. (Web) (HN)
- canarist - Like npm link, but for workspaces / monorepos.
- Concurrently - Run multiple commands concurrently. Like npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less but better.
- node-bindgen - Easy way to write native Node.js module using idiomatic Rust.
- tasksfile - Minimalistic task runner for node.js.
- Node.js race conditions (2021)
- fs-extra - Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs().
- Gluegun - Delightful toolkit for building TypeScript-powered command-line apps.
- node-pty - Fork pseudoterminals in Node.JS.
- LRT - Scheduler for long-running tasks inside browsers and Node.JS.
- ReactXpress - React renderer to build Node.js server.
- Node.js 14 is over 20x faster than Python3.8 for fib(n) (HN)
- Using ES Modules (ESM) in Node.js: A Practical Guide (2021) (HN)
- Envalid - Environment variable validation for Node.js.
- Express Typescript Boilerplate - Delightful way to building a RESTful API with NodeJs & TypeScript.
- Bytenode - Minimalist bytecode compiler for Node.js.
- rools - Small rule engine for Node.
- I finally escaped Node (and you can too) (2021) (Lobsters)
- LoopBack - Highly extensible Node.js and TypeScript framework for building APIs and microservices. (Code)
- Sending tuples from Node to Rust and back (2021)
- HugSql - Node.js library for embracing SQL.
- esmon - Like nodemon but using esbuild.
- MikroORM - TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. (Code)
- Haf - Fully typed, cross-platform, persistent config solution for your NodeJS projects with a great developer experience.
- nanoexpress - Professional backend framework for Node.js.
- unimported - CLI utility that scans node/JavaScript projects to report dangling files and unused dependencies.
- boxednode - Ship a JS file with Node.js in a box.
- caxa - Package Node.js applications into executable binaries.
- Dependency Managers Donβt Manage Your Dependencies (2021)
- Specialist - Library that helps you write tiny, fast, bundled and beautiful CLI apps that can automatically check for updates.
- Steno - Specialized fast async file writer.
- WebContainers: Run Node.js natively in the browser (2021) (HN)
- envfile - Parse and write environment files with Node.js.
- listr2 - Create beautiful CLI interfaces via easy and logical to implement task lists that feel alive and interactive.
- node-rs - Rust Node.js bindings.
- node-dev - Zero-conf Node.js reloading.
- How to update all the Node dependencies to their latest version
- nact - Node.js + actors. Redux but for the server. (Web)
- Yalc - Better workflow than npm | yarn link for package authors.
- Awesome NodeJS Security
- Volt - Fastest Node.js Package Manager. (Code)
- workerpool - Offload tasks to a pool of workers on node.js and in the browser.
- esbuild-node-externals - Esbuild plugin to easily exclude node modules during builds.
- Bema - Delightful benchmarking for Node.js.
- Hammer - Build Tool for Browser and Node Applications.
- Commander.js - Node.js command-line interfaces made easy.
- AdonisJS - Fully featured web framework for Node.js. (Code)
- flydrive - Framework-agnostic package which provides a powerful wrapper to manage file Storage in Node.js.
- Japa - Embedable test runner for Node.js.
- Lucid - Official SQL ORM for AdonisJS.
- tinyhttp/jwt - JWT middleware for HTTP servers.
- TypeScript and native ESM on Node.js (2021)
- NPM audit: Broken by Design (2021) (HN) (Tweet) (Tweet)
- Yarn 3.0: Performances, ESBuild, Better Patches (2021) (HN)
- Nodashka - Babashka-like tool for Node.js.
- Non-blocking I/O and how Node uses it, in friendly terms (2021)
- Hello Yarn 2, Goodbye node_modules (2021) (HN)
- PureORM - Node.js SQL toolkit for writing native SQL queries yielding pure business objects.
- stream-json - Micro-library of node.js stream components with minimal dependencies for creating custom data processors oriented on processing huge JSON files.
- Edge - Node.js templating engine with fresh air.
- Poolifier - Fast and small Node.js thread pool implementation.
- tasuku - Minimal task runner for Node.js.
- pathe - Normalized paths for Node.js.
- Node Mono Library Template - Provides a GitHub mono repository template for a Anolilab Node libraries, using GitHub actions.
- Auto NPX - Auto resolving local Node.js binaries in VS Code terminal.
- Ask HN: Why is Node.js hated so much? (2021)
- parcel/watcher - Native C++ Node module for querying and subscribing to filesystem events.
- FormData - Spec-compliant FormData implementation for Node.js.
- Comedy - Node.js actor framework.
- fs-memoize - Simple, zero-dependency NodeJs filesystem memoizer.
- stream-http - Streaming node http in the browser.
- Moleculer - Progressive microservices framework for Node.js. (Web) (Template)
- skr canvas - Google Skia binding to Node.js via Node-API, 0 System dependencies.
- Clipanion - Type-safe CLI library with no runtime dependencies. (Web)
- HyperExpress - High performance Node.js webserver with a simple-to-use API powered by uWebsockets.js under the hood.
- CORS Anywhere - NodeJS proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
- tsno -
with typescript support, importing from URL, etc. - Vite as Node.js runtime
- node-config - Node.js Application Configuration.
- Supercharge Your Node.js with Rust (2021) (HN)
- cli-ux - CLI IO utilities.
- Better SSE - Dead simple, dependency-less, spec-compliant server-side events implementation for Node, written in TypeScript.
- cache-interop - Interoperable cache adapters for node and browsers.
- How to distribute pre-built node binaries (2021)
- Designing Error Messages and a Logging Strategy in Node.js (2021)
- await-to-js - Async await wrapper for easy error handling without try-catch.
- formidable - Node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
- thread-stream - Streaming way to send data to a Node.js Worker Thread.
- next-10 - Discussion on strategic directions for next 10 years of Node.js.
- p4ssw0rd - Hash passwords with SHA-256 + bcrypt in Node.js.
- A Guide to Load Testing Node.js APIs with Artillery (2021)
- find-my-way - Crazy fast HTTP router.
- fastest-validator - Fastest JS validator library for NodeJS | Browser | Deno.
- fast-gateway - Super fast, framework agnostic Node.js API Gateway for the masses. (Article)
- Easily build NodeJS projects inside a docker container (Lobsters)
- Agenda - Light-weight job scheduling library for Node.js.
- synchronous-worker - Run Node.js APIs synchronously.
- Base - Foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable, server-side node.js applications.
- node-safe - Make using Node.js safe again with Deno-like permissions.
- shrun - Test NodeJS CLI commands in isolated docker containers.
- Bottleneck - Lightweight and zero-dependency Task Scheduler and Rate Limiter for Node.js and the browser.
- Follow Redirects - Node.js module that automatically follows HTTP(S) redirects.
- ultrafetch - node-fetch backed with an RFC-7234 compliant filesystem cache.
- gpkg - Global Node binary manager written in Rust.
- How to deploy a NodeJS application using (2021)
- dats - Minimalistic zero-dependencies UDP/TCP statsd client for Node.js.
- WebAPI - Use Web APIs for Node.
- type-flag - CLI argument parser with first-class type support.
- next-chunk - Asynchronously returns the next chunk in a Node.js readable stream.
- kv-orm/core - Node.js ORM for key-value datastores.
- 0x - Profile and generate an interactive flamegraph for a Node process with a single command.
- jiti - Runtime Typescript and ESM support for Node.js.
- mlly - Missing ECMAScript module utils for Node.js.
- siroc - Zero-config but extensible framework for developing Node applications and libraries.
- Awilix - Extremely powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Node.JS.
- Level - Node.js modules to build your very own database. (GitHub)
- subleveldown - Split a levelup database into sublevels with their own keyspace, encoding and events.
- tree-sitter-highlight - Syntax highlighter for Node powered by Tree Sitter. Written in Rust.
- Node.js Integration Tests Best Practices
- Testcontainers Node - NodeJS library that supports tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers.
- node-cli-starter - Minimal starter kit for building Node CLI applications with TypeScript.
- Node.js Addon Examples
- cleye - Intuitive CLI development tool for Node.js.
- Youch - Pretty error reporting for Node.js.
- rust-nodejs - Embedding Node.js in Rust.
- Node.js Technical Steering Committee
- Debugging Node.js Libraries (2021)
- make-fetch-happen - Making fetch happen for npm.
- nconf - Hierarchical node.js configuration with files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and atomic object merging.
- napi.zig - Tiny and fast node-api bindings for zig.
- pprof support for Node.js
- cross-fetch - Universal WHATWG Fetch API for Node, Browsers and React Native.
- HN: Fetch API has landed into Node.js
- Cloud Profiler: Node.js Client - Adds support for Cloud Profiler to Node.js applications.
- snm - Smol and simple node version manager written in rust.
- ShellJS - Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js.
- Graceful Server - Tiny (~5k), KISS, dependency-free Node.JS library to make your API more graceful.
- replacestream - Node.js through stream that does basic streaming text search and replace and is chunk boundary friendly.
- Tumau - Node HTTP framework written in Typescript.
- node-canvas - Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS.
- NATS.js - Node.js client for the NATS messaging system.
- manten - Lightweight testing library for Node.js.
- request-retry - HTTP(s) request retry on recoverable errors.
- timecut - Node.js program to record smooth movies of web pages with JavaScript animations.
- japa/runner - API first tests runner for Node.js.
- Server-sent events for NodeJS
- tiny-typed-emitter - Fully type-checked NodeJS EventEmitter.
- node-web-streams - WhatWG web streams and utilities for node.js.
- napi-rs/dog - Watch/compile/restart your Node.js application for developing.
- Mitm.js - Intercept and mock outgoing Node.js network TCP connections and HTTP requests for testing.
- Workshop on Node.js Streams
- node-ipc - Inter Process Communication Module for node supporting Unix sockets, TCP, TLS, and UDP.
- Netlify Zip it and Ship it - Intelligently prepare Node.js Lambda functions for deployment.
- fetch() In Node.js Core: Why You Should Care (2022)
- reSolve - Full stack CQRS, DDD, Event Sourcing framework for Node.js.
- EvtStore - Type-safe Event Sourcing and CQRS with Node.JS and TypeScript.
- tiny glob - Tiny and extremely fast library to match files and folders using glob patterns.
- proxy-chain - Programmable HTTP proxy server for Node.js.
- Node-convict - Featureful configuration management library for Node.js.
- Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices (2022)
- node-bluetooth - Bluetooth serial port communication for Node.js.
- DeAsync.js - Turns async function into sync via JavaScript wrapper of Node event loop.
- Strom - Dependency-free stream utils for Node.js.
- synckit - Perform async work synchronously in Node.js using worker_threads with first-class TypeScript support.
- Node "exports" field explanation
- Better Queue for NodeJS
- valienv - Simple environment variables validator for Node.js and web browsers.
- meta-fetcher - Simple metadata scrapper for node.js.
- Nightwatch.js - End-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using the W3C Webdriver API.
- cron-parser - Node.js library for parsing crontab instructions.
- nat-api - Fast port mapping with UPnP and NAT-PMP.
- watch-dependency-graph - Small Node.js file watcher for watching dependency trees.
- deoptigate - Investigates v8/Node.js function deoptimizations.
- node-http-proxy - HTTP programmable proxying library that supports websockets. Suitable for implementing components such as reverse proxies and load balancers.
- NodeJS packages don't deserve your trust (HN) (Lobsters)
- Web standard IO APIs implemented for NodeJS
- c8 - Output coverage reports using Node.js' built in coverage.
- Node.js 18 Introduces Prefix-Only Core Modules (2022)
- Nexe - Create a single executable out of your node.js apps.
- express-session - Simple session middleware for Express.
- Node Clean Architecture Template
- fs-spy - Monitoring fs accessing for Node process.
- args-flags - Simple command line argument parser for Node.
- Node.js Modules Team
- Node Addon API Module - Module for using Node-API from C++.
- Lad - Node.js web framework.
- node-tap - Test Anything Protocol tools for node.
- Piston - High performance general purpose code execution engine.
- Sort Package.json - Sort an Object or package.json based on the well-known package.json keys.
- pnpm monorepo example - Opinionated Node.js monorepo example with pnpm, turborepo, and jest.
- Which Monorepo is right for a Node.js backend? (2022)
- busboy - Streaming parser for HTML form data for node.js.
- Node.js Design Patterns (Code)
- Node.js Diagnostics Working Group
- cjs-loader - Node.js loader for compiling ESM & TypeScript modules to CommonJS.
- esm-loader - Node.js loader for compiling TypeScript modules to ESM.
- tsx - Node.js runtime enhanced with esbuild for loading TypeScript & ESM.
- Node Task List - Interactive CLI to list and run package.json scripts.
- HatTip - Like Express, but for the future.
- Sidewinder - Type Safe Micro Services for Node.
- Lilconfig - Zero-dependency nodejs config seeker.
- mojo.js - Real-time web framework for Node.js.
- better-logging - Drop in replacement for the default logging methods of node.js.
- Functions Framework for Node.js - Open source FaaS (Function as a Service) framework based on Express for writing portable Node.js functions.
- milliparsec - Tiniest body parser in the universe. Built for modern Node.js
- lru-send - LRU-based caching middleware for Node.js.
- Creating Node.js Docker images that build in 2 seconds (2022)
- node-temp - Temporary File, Directory, and Stream support for Node.js.
- Natural - Fastest Framework for NodeJS. Written in pure ES6+.
- avvio - Asynchronous bootstrapping of Node applications.
- tinysh - Tiny spawn wrapper for Node.js.
- Hagana - NodeJS runtime protection for supply chain attacks.
- QuickReader - Ultra-high performance stream reader for browser and Node.js.
- kleur - Fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors.
- Working with the file system on Node.js (2022)
- Snowflake-UUID - Twitter's Snowflake generator for NodeJS.
- pino-http - High-speed HTTP logger for Node.js.
- fs-jetpack - Better file system API for Node.js.
- file-cache - Node.js library that provide a cache for file metadata or file content.
- fine - Zero dependency and opinionated package that gracefully shutdown Node.js applications.
- pkg-fetch - Utility to fetch or build patched Node binaries used by
to generate executables. - OpenAPI in Node - Monorepo of various packages to power OpenAPI in node.